Valbiotis’ scientific partners

La Rochelle University
Clermont Auvergne University

These three founding partnerships, established since the creation of Valbiotis, have been an innovation accelerator since 2014 for the development of plant-based active substances, thanks to the sharing of expertise in biotechnology and in the sciences of metabolism. These institutions are co-holders of several of Valbiotis’ patents.

Leiden University (Netherlands)
Vanderbilt University (Nashville, USA)
INAF – Institut sur la Nutrition et les Aliments Fonctionnels (Laval University, Canada)

These three expert centers in Europe and North America actively support the various R&D programs carried out by Valbiotis, with the contribution of complementary scientific and technical resources in the field of nutrition and metabolic diseases.

CarMeN  Laboratory- Cardiovasculaire, Métabolisme, Diabétologie et Nutrition ( Lyon 1 University, Inserm, INRA and INSA)
LAPEC – Laboratoire de Pharm-Ecologie Cardiovasculaire (Avignon University)
MEDiS Unit – Microbiologie Environnement Digestif et Santé (INRAE and Clermont Auvergne University)
M2iSH – Microbe, Intestine, Inflammation and Host Susceptibility (Inserm, INRA, Clermont Auvergne University)

These four leading French laboratories are specialized in the study of metabolic, cardiovascular and digestive pathologies. They provide exploratory data, which enriches our knowledge of the active substances of Valbiotis, according to their respective research fields (mechanisms of action at the cellular and molecular level, hormonal and intracellular signaling, inflammation, microbiota and intestinal physiology, between other).

Clermont-Ferrand Clinical Investigation Center (CIC1405, Inserm and Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital)

Affiliated with Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital, the CIC is a valuable partner for clinical research, particularly in the early stages of development, thanks to its expertise and its proximity to the Valbiotis ecosystem.

ADECAL-Technolopole, New Caledonia

Signed in September 2021, the tripartite partnership between IFREMER, ADECAL Technopole and Valbiotis may allow to develop a bank of microalgae with high-potential for healthcare, selected since 2013 in New Caledonian coastal waters. The R&D program led by Valbiotis aims at marketing new active substances in the field of human health. Their production will take place in New Caledonia. All the R&D activities within this partnership will be led in compliance with the Nagoya protocol.

Integrated research institute dedicated to marine science, IFREMER is a public body which contributes to the French research and innovation system, as well as to the European research area. ADECAL Technopole is an association working to promote the competitiveness and attractiveness of New Caledonia through experimentation, transfer and innovation, and contributing to the development of natural marine and terrestrial resources.